
Angela Kauffman 



When you are in a group, and the topic of conversation is our present governing body and legislation, do you feel uneasy?  You don’t have to be knowledgeable in politics to advocate for our Veterans.  There is a lot of material on both our web sites, Department and National, which are very informative with issues concerning our Veterans.  Get involved and let’s educate ourselves.  You along with over 1.5 million VFW and Auxiliary members can influence our lawmakers on how they will approach and lobby for Veterans and their families. 


Did you know we lose 22 Veterans a day to suicide?

Click here to find out more about the "Call to Action" for Military Suicide Prevention. 


You can find your VA Welcome kit here.


We encourage all citizens to exercise their right to vote and contact legislators regarding issues impacting veterans and their families. 

Below you will find important information on how to contact your government officials and how to stay up to date on all the important issues.


Legislative Fact Sheet 


Guide to contacting your Legislators


Guide to the Legislative Process


Contact information for important Legislators and other Government Officials.

Click here for the White House 

Click here for the United States House of Representatives

Click here for the United States Senates 

Click here for National Archives 


The VFW Action Corps is a national grassroots advocacy network comprised of more than 300,000 VFW members and patriotic supporters of veterans. Anyone can sign-up to receive the Action Corps Weekly E-news. You do not have to be a VFW or VFW Auxiliary member. Everyone can be an advocate for our Veterans.    Click here for Sign-Up Instructions: